Bones for Life

The Bones for Life method is based on the principals of the Feldenkrais Method which focuses on better alignment for upright posture and movement. I hurt my arm in 2007 and even with my experience of movement therapy, it wasn't until I took the “Bones For Life” training that my arm got better. Reclaiming my own vitality after this injury led me to realise how valuable the Bones for Life method is for injuries of all kinds.

I am now a certified Bones for Life teacher and Walk for Life teacher. These programs were created by Ruthy Alon a senior Feldenkrais trainer and fall under the umbrella of Movement Intelligence. I was fortunate to study directly with Ruthy Alon.

Who is it for?
If you are concerned about your posture, decreased balance, difficulty walking, pain in your back/neck/knee and hips, getting up and down from the ground and osteoporosis.

Bones for Life is for those who are wanting to re-discover their natural strength, enhanced stamina, flexibility and greater ease and comfort in their body.

It is suitable for people of all ages and abilities. Everything I teach is easy to do at home and simple to integrate into your daily life. Learning to move better and have less pain. I’m passionate about teaching people how they can do this.

Benefits include:

  • Greater balance and stability,

  • Better posture ,

  • Standing and walking more comfortably,

  • Stronger and healthier bones