Feet First - Walk comfortably.

Feet first for balance, walk comfortably.
Better feet = better posture, comfortable back/neck and shoulders

Our feet are amazing with 26 bones in each foot, they move us forward, support the weight of our body, effect balance, posture and general wellbeing.

I have developed my “Feet First” program over years working with people based on my knowledge of movement.

This program help people learn about their feet, give simple movements to help foot pain and how to restore foot mobility, stability and your way of walking so you can enjoy moving again easier.

I help people who have feet issues, posture, back issues or people wanting to improve their sporting abilities.

Would you like to:

• Enjoy easier standing?

• Wake up with less foot pain?

• Improve your balance?

• Feel more confident, walk further and regain your movement?

• Enjoy what you used to do?